Potting and Repotting Advice


You can usually tell when your plant needs to be repotted, either the roots have begun to grow through the drainage hole, or the plant has stopped growing at its usual rate. 

The benefits of repotting your plant is that along with new soil comes lots of added nutrients that boost the plants ability to grow and flourish! 

1. Remove the plant from its current pot by gently turning it on its size and guiding it out, remember to be very gentle at this step so you don't damage your plant. 

2. Once the plant is out, gently loosen the roots and shake out any old soil that the root system has grown around. 

3. Make sure the new pot is the right size, a diameter increase of 3-5cm is a good general rule. You want to avoid repotting your plant in a pot that is much larger than its current one, as this can risk root rot due to the increase in soil and water. 

4. Make sure you are using fresh soil when you are repotting. This will ensure the plant is getting fresh nutrients from the soil which will encourage new growth. 

5. Place the plant into the new pot and fill with soil. Try not to push the soil down and compact it too much as this can prevent the roots from being able to breathe. 

6. Now that the plant has been repotted into its new pot, make sure to give it a good water, and watch it grow!